Video Editing and Packaging Services


We provide video clip packaging services, including adding subtitles, adding special effects, deleting invalid videos, etc. The editing software we use includes AE, PR, Flash, 3dMax, Maya, etc.

Product Details

Product Tags

* Industry we serve

Education, games, construction, catering, publish,automobile, medical, military and other industries.

* Service process

1. Through online communication tools or Email communication requirements
2. Make clear the list and price
3. Sign contract and pay
4. demo effect confirmation
5. Mass production
6. Phased acceptance
7. Closing items

* Price

1. Subtitle $20/min
2. Video editing $10/min
3. Titles and credits $30 seconds
4. Video effects increased by $380/minute
5. Other specific consultations
The above prices are for reference, and the actual costs are negotiated according to the production content.

* Our Advantages

1. We have screenwriters, directors, special effects, editors, sound effects, animation staff to ensure the quality of video editing
2. Our team has planning and production experience in recording video, advertising video, teaching video and product promotion video
3. Experience in serving large enterprises such as P&G, Huawei, Xiaomi and Toyota
4. Have the project experience of a large enterprise, star, planning, designing, and executing film and television shooting
Professional dubbing, sound effects and music teams are available to ensure high-quality film output

* Customer Story

Publicity video of Confucius Institute Short Video Competition:

The Confucius Institute holds a global short video competition every year. In order to enable more Confucius Institute teachers and students to participate in the short video competition, the Confucius Institute hopes to make a promotional short video to review the past on the one hand and welcome the future on the other. Our planning teacher held many brainstorming meetings with customers, and customized about 3 minutes of promotional videos for them after deeply understanding the mission and vision of the Confucius Institute. The good publicity video was broadcast at the opening ceremony of the Confucius Institute Short Video Competition, and achieved very good results.

Video production of “Come on Mulan” of China Women’s Daily:

China Women’s Daily is the official media that pays attention to women, and “Come on Mulan” is an important activity they participate in. Their demand is to combine the videos of some girls participating in “Come on Mulan” with the activity itself to make a short video. Our planning teacher deeply explored the value and significance of the activity, creatively integrated these elements with the material resources provided by the users, and finally formed a very influential video, which was praised by customers.

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