With the time goes, the reflective sheeting will decrease the reflection value during the usage under the non-protective
environment. So XW Reflective divides different standards for this road reflective film according to the reflective value.
The grade of reflective film can usually be followed by diamond grade, high-intensity grade, engineering-grade, economic grade,and other categories.
Of course, the raw reflective material using and selling price of reflective tape is different due to the different requirements
of reflection value and outdoor life. For example, the high-intensity grade reflective sheeting can be used for highway reflective signs, with a high reflection parameter, asked a high price. But low reflective film is enough to made as reflective street signs.
In a word, you can choose a different standards of reflective tape according to your needs.
Road reflective sheeting film is a high-tech reflective product, a new type of functional composite material, with a rapid
development in recent years in the world, play an important role at night safety. But reflective vinyl sheeting needs to be
maintained well for better express its reflective function. So, we need to take the right measure to storage reflective sheeting vinyl rolls.
According to your actual needs, choose the most reasonable overall design and planning procedures