HDPE geomembrane liners are the preferred product for lining projects. HDPE liners are resistant to many different solvents and are the most widely used geomembrane liner in the world. Although HDPE geomembrane is less flexible than LLDPE, it provides higher specific strength and can withstand higher temperatures. Its exceptional chemical and ultraviolet resistance properties make it an extremely cost-effective product.
Trump Eco textured geomembrane is aco-extrudedtexturedhigh-densitypolyetlene(HDPE)geomembraneavailableononeorbothsides.ltis manufactured withthehighestqualityresinspecficallyformulatedfor flexiblegeomembranes. Thisproductisusedin applications thatrequire inased frictionairesistance, excellent chemicalresistance andendurance properties.Thisproduct specificationmeets GRI-GM13. Single Sided (SST)and Double Sided (DST).
ThicknessLowest individual reading | ASTMD 5994 | every roll | mil (mm) | 100(2.50)90(2.25) | |||
Density | ASTMD 1505 | 200,000 Ib(90,000 kg) | Glcm3 (min) | 0.940 | |||
Tensile Properties(Each Direction)Strength at BreakStrength at YieldElongation at BreakElongation at Yield | ASTM D 6693,Type lvDumbell. 2 ipmG.L.2.0in (50mm)G.L. 1.3in (33mm) | 20,000 lb(9,000 kg) | lb/in-width (N/mm)lb/in-width(N/mm)%% | 150(26)210(37)10012 | |||
Tear Resistance |
ASTMD 1004 | 45,000 lb (20,000 kg) | lb(N) | 70(311) | |||
Puncture Resistance | ASTM D 4833 | 45,000 lb (20,000 kg) | lb(N) | 150(667) | |||
Carbon Black Content | ASTMD 1603*/4218 | 20,000 lb (9,000 kg) | %(range) | 2.0-3.0 | |||
Carbon Black Dispersion | ASTM D 5596 | 45,000 lb (20,000 kg) | Note”) | ||||
Asperity Height | ASTMD 7466 | Second roll | mil (mm) | 18(0.45) | |||
Notched Constant TensileLoad(2) | ASTM D 5397,Appendix | 200,000 Ib(90,000 kg) | hr | 500 | |||
Oxidative lnduction Time | ASTM D 3895.200″c;o2. 1 atm | 200,000Ib(90,0O0kg) | hr | >100 | |||
Roll Lenath(3) | Double-Sided Textured | ft (m) | 164(50) | ||||
Single-Sided Textured | ft (m) | 164(50) | |||||
Roll Width(3) | ft (m) | 19(5.8) | |||||
Roll Area | Double-Sided Textured | f2(m2) | 3,116(290) | ||||
Double-Sided Textured | f2(m2) | 3,116(290) |
Roll Lengths and widths have a tolerance of士1%.
HDPE Smooth is availlable in rolls weighing approximately 1.,598 Ib (725 kg).
Allgeomembraneshave dimensionalstability of 2% whentested acordingto ASTMD 1204andLTBof .77′Cwhen tested acsodingto ASTMD746.
This data is provided for informational purposes only. TrumpEco makes no warranties asto the suiltabiliy or the finess for a spedific use or merchantability of the products referred to, no guarantee of satistactory results from reliance upon contained information or recommendations anddisclaims lliability from resulting loss or damage, This information is subject to change without notice, please check with us for current updates.
According to your actual needs, choose the most reasonable overall design and planning procedures