Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment System


Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment System (RO Water System)

SPF-RO-0.5T is a uniquely designed and fully functional water purification equipment solution. It integrates functional modules such as pretreatment, reverse osmosis, water tank, and water supply into container form, providing users with a simple and practical new water experience.

Product Details

Product Tags

Product Structure

(1)Space saving space
New industrial design–small body big energy
(2) 5.0 Water Steward Intelligent Control System
Automatic intelligent electronic real-time water control system
Anti-interference operation
(3)High water flow rate
4040 industrial double membrane  with 0.5 t/h flow rate

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Advantagerious Product Details

①Head Water Supply Pump
Variable frequency booster pump has the characteristics of small water pressure fluctuation and stable in a certain pressure range. It can adjust the running speed of the pump according to the actual demand, so as to reduce energy consumption and CO₂ emissions, and achieve the purpose of energy saving and emission reduction. By adjusting the running speed of the pump, the precise control of the pump flow can be realized to meet the needs of different scenarios.

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②Built-in SUS304 Water Tank
150L large capacity, to ensure a steady stream of pure water, stainless steel water tank to ensure  water quality without corrosion. The water tank has a light weight, no leakage, long service life,  easy cleaning and maintenance, strong adaptability and other characteristics. The surface has a dense oxide layer, superior corrosion resistance.

④UV Sterilization of Pipes
UV disinfection device refers to the ultraviolet disinfection equipment that uses an UV lamp with a wavelength of 253.7 nm as the light source to disinfect drinking water, produced wastewater, waste and others. As a non-chemical disinfection method, ultraviolet disinfector is very safe and reliable.

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④Professional Electric Control System
HYHH professional electronic control system is a kind of electronic-controled system.that can realize accurate control and monitor specific equipment. it can also be accustomed according to different requirements.

⑤2cm Insulation Cotton
Covering the whole machine with thickened insulation cotton layer that can effectively prevent heat transfermation and can effectively reduce the noise of the equipment.

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Product Parameters

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Product name


Product voltage




RO membrane


Pure water supply pump

Flow 4 m³

480W head 25M

Inner water-tank

SUS304  150L

UV sterilization

Stainless steel  12W

Hay tank

0844  Fiber glass-reinforced plastics

Product size


Product color


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