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Manufacturer of wooden products for pet house, children’s mud kitchen, sandpit, playhouse, playground,baby swings, shed, storage cabinet and garden supplies.For Custom service and wholesale business, you are very welcome to leave us your message!
Manufacturer of wooden products for pet house, children’s mud kitchen, sandpit, playhouse, playground,baby swings, shed, storage cabinet and garden supplies.For Custom service and wholesale business, you are very welcome to leave us your message!TRANSLATE with x EnglishArabicHebrewPolishBulgaria...
Our products can provide FSC and ISO9001 certificates, so there is no need to worry about quality issues. Please rest assured.Some details pics for your reference. More details can be provided if you are interested.Manufacturer of wooden products for baby swings, pet house, children’s mud kitchen...
Manufacturer of wooden products for children’s playhouse, playground, mud kitchen, sandpit, pet house, baby swings, shed, storage cabinet and garden supplies.For Custom service and wholesale business, you are very welcome to leave us your message!TRANSLATE with x EnglishArabicHebrewPolishBulgari...
Detachable Elisa plate In enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, the purity, concentration and proportion of antigen, antibody, labeled antibody or antigen involved in immunological reaction; Buffer type, concentration, ionic strength, pH value, reaction temperature, time and other conditions play a...
Vacuum Aspiration system Waste liquid absorber is designed for laboratory waste recovery and separation of liquid and solid. It can be widely used in cell culture, DNA extraction, microplate waste removal, and any other liquid separation or recovery.Features• Vacuum power with adjustable aspirati...
The large size Heal Force HF160W CO2 incubator incorporates a water jecketed system. Because of the heat retention characteristics of water, there is no sudden temperature change in the event of an unexpected power failure. A stable temperature enviroment is ensured.
UV DecontaminationProgrammable automatic UV light timer simplifies operation while extending UV lamp life and saving energy.Powerful UV irradiation illuminates entire work area, design to ensure thorough disinfection of the complete chamber.Biological Safety Cabinets UV lamp with interlocking saf...
"Lotus Bamboo" is one of the lucky bamboo varieties, it’s suitable for aquaculture, potted plants, and hydroponics. The ornamental value is extremely high, and it is one of the few greenery and decorations that can be placed indoors for a long time. The lotus bamboo has the ...