a. Filing application at your Office of origin. For example, if you are from China, either company or person, filing application at CTO first.
b. Through your Office of origin to apply Madrid Application. The WIPO will check your international trademark application to decide whether they have the formal requirements such as the contact information, designation of at least on Madrid System member, payment of fees, etc. If the formal requirements don’t satisfy, WIPO examination office will send the application back to the Office of origin to correct it.
c. After examination, WIPO will register the mark in International Register, publish it in the WIPO Gazette International Marks, and send the Certificate of Registration to you. At the same time, WIPO will notify the designated members.
d. Substantive examination: The Office of each designated member will examine the application substantively. Generally, the Designated member Office will finish the examination in 12 months, some cases maybe 18 moths from the date on which WIPO notifies them.