ຮູບແບບ: 30P30PTG1-100 ຄວາມສາມາດໃນການໂຫຼດ: 100kg ວັດສະດຸລໍ້: PP Core + TPR Wheel Bearing: Ball Bearing Housing: Polypropylene
ຮູບແບບ: 35Z20SRB3-200 ກໍາລັງການໂຫຼດ: 205kg ວັດສະດຸລໍ້: ແກນເຫຼັກ + ຢາງລູກປືນລໍ້: Roller Bearing ມາດຕະຖານ: EN-840
ຊື່ຜະລິດຕະພັນ: Magnesium Glycinate ລະຫັດ CAS: 14783-68-7 ນາມແຝງ: ບໍ່ມີຊື່ພາສາອັງກິດ: Magnesium glycinate
ຊື່ຜະລິດຕະພັນ: ສັງກະສີ Gluconate ລະຫັດ CAS: 4468-02-4 Aliases: hydrated zinc gluconate;zinc (II) gluconate dihydrate;(T-4)-bis(D-gluconate-κO1,κO2)-ສັງກະສີ;ຊື່ພາສາອັງກິດ: Zinc Gluconate
ຮູບແບບ: 30P30PTG1-100 ຄວາມສາມາດໃນການໂຫຼດ: 100kg ວັດສະດຸລໍ້: PP Core + TPR Wheel Bearing: Ball Bearing Housing: Polypropylene
ຊື່: ໄຟຂະຫນາດກາງແລະກັນນ້ໍາໄດ້ ປອດໄພດ້ວຍ lock ຫນ້າປັດModel No.: 3175S-BDProtection: Fire, Water, TheftCapacity: 1.75 cu ft / 49.6LCertification: UL classified certification for fire endurance for up to 2 hours, sealed protection when full submerged in water
ຊື່: Fire and Waterproof Safe with touchscreen digital lockModel No.: 4091RE1T-BDProtection: Fire, Water, TheftCapacity: 0.91 cu ft / 25LCertification: UL classified certification for fire endurance for up to 1 hour, sealed protection when full submerged in water
ຊື່: Fire and Waterproof Safe with biometric fingerprint lockModel No.: 4091RE1LB-BDProtection: Fire, Water, TheftCapacity: 0.91 cu ft / 25LCertification: UL classified certification for fire endurance for up to 1 hour, sealed protection when full submerged in water
ຊື່: Fire and Waterproof Safe with digital keypad lockModel No.: 4091RE1D-BDProtection: Fire, Water, TheftCapacity: 0.91 cu ft / 25LCertification: UL classified certification for fire endurance for up to 1 hour, sealed protection when full submerged in water
specification:Material: CarbideTooth pitch [mm] / TPI: 12.7 / 2 Application range: ເຫມາະສໍາລັບ bricks ຂະຫນາດໃຫຍ່ທີ່ມີຄວາມຫນາຂອງວັດສະດຸບໍ່ເກີນ 365 mmType: S 2243 HMmaterial:stoneConcrete Detailed materials: masonryFiber Cement BoardCellular concrete ປະລິມານ: 1PCS