Fused Zirconia Mullite ZrO2 35-39%


FZM is manufactured from fusing high quality Bayer process alumina and zircon sand in electric arc furnace, During melting, the zircon and alumina react to yield a mixture of mullite and zirconia.

It is composed of large needle-like mullite crystals containing co-precipitated monoclinic ZrO2.

Product Details

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Chemical composition

Items Unit Index Typical
Chemical composition Al2O3 % 41.00-46.00 44.68
ZrO2 % 35.00-39.00 36.31
SiO2 % 16.50-20.00 17.13
Fe2O3 % 0.20max 0.09
Bulk density g/cm3 3.6min 3.64
Apparent porosity % 3.00max
Phase 3Al2O3.2SiO2 % 50-55
Indined ZrSiO4 % 30-33
Corundum % 5.00max
Glass % 5.00max


It is used in specialty product applications where a high resistance to environmental corrosion and a low coefficient of thermal expansion are desirable properties.

Applications include ceramic pressure casting tubes and refractory shapes requiring resistance to molten slag and molten glass.

Zir-mull bricks and bricks used in the Glass Industry as well as an additive in Continuous casting refractories.

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