Enterovirus 71(EV71) IgG ELISA Kit


Human Enterovirus 71 IgG ELISA Kit is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the qualitative detection of IgG-class antibodies to Enterovirus 71 in human serum or plasma. It is intended to be used in clinical laboratories for diagnosis and management of patients related to infection with Enterovirus 71.

The main clinical manifestation of EV71 infection is hand, foot and mouth disease. Some children with EV71 infection present with herpetic pharyngitis, and in severe cases, viral encephalitis, viral encephalomyelitis, pulmonary oedema and pulmonary haemorrhage.

The specific diagnosis of EV71 infection relies on the detection of EV71-RNA, EV71-IgM and EV71-IgG antibodies in serum, or EV71-RNA in swab specimens.

EV71-IgM is an important indicator of primary or recent infection and facilitates early detection and treatment of EV71 infection. EV71-IgG is an important indicator for differential diagnosis of infection and can be used for epidemiological investigation and evaluation of vaccination. It can be used for epidemiological investigation and evaluation of the effect of vaccination. The change of antibody titers in both recovered and acute blood can also determine the EV71 infection, and if the titer of serum antibody increases geometrically by 4 in the recovered period compared with the acute period, then it can be judged as EV71 presenting infection.

Product Details

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This kit detects Enterovirus 71 IgG antibody (EV71-IgG) in human serum or plasma samples, polystyrene microwell strips are pre-coated with Enterovirus 71 antigen. After first adding serum or plasma specimens to be examined, corresponding specific antibodies (EV71-IgG-Ab & some IgM-Ab) present in patient specimens bind to the antigens at the solid phase, and other unbound components will be removed by washing. In the second step, the HRP (horseradish peroxidase)-conjugated anti-human IgG will specifically react only with EV71 IgG antibodies. After washing to remove the unbound HRP-conjugate, chromogen solutions are added into the wells. In presence of (EV71 Ag) – (EV71-IgG) – (anti-human IgG-HRP) immunocomplex, after washing the plate, the TMB substrate was added for color development, and the HRP connected to the complex catalyzes the color developer reaction to generate the blue substance, add 50μL of Stop Solution, and turn yellow. The presence of the absorbance of the EV71-IgG antibody in the sample was determined by a microplate reader.

Product Features

High sensitivity, specificity and stability

Product Specification

Principle Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
Type Indirect method
Certificate CE
Specimen Human serum / plasma
Specification 48T / 96T
Storage temperature 2-8℃
Shelf life 12 months

Ordering Information

Product name Pack Specimen
Enterovirus 71(EV71) IgG ELISA Kit 48T / 96T Human serum / plasma

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