Since most of the exams involve invigilation, we can't directly log in to answer the questions. We have launched a real-time test assistance service. Before receiving the order, our customer service will verify the test information (test subject, date, duration, form, question quantity, etc.) and...
According to the actual situation of the test, some tests are completed independently on the website. Such tests can experience the hosting mode of 0 worry. It is operated by the class members and teachers. Before receiving the order, our customer service will verify the test information (test su...
The original intention of the online question answering service is to better let students understand and master the knowledge they have learned, and apply it to the examination to obtain satisfactory results. We found that many students did not fully understand the homework after class, the exami...
According to the requirements of graduation thesis in various countries, we can actually solve the writing problems of students' large thesis. The scope of subjects covers mathematics and chemistry, literature, history and geography, engineering, financial management, law, etc. The service proces...
Students studying abroad will encounter a lot of group tasks and need to communicate and negotiate with team members on the content, division of labor, integration and other work of the whole group task. In view of this kind of situation, we launched the team task trust service to comprehensively...
Students studying abroad will encounter a lot of group tasks and need to communicate and negotiate with team members on the content, division of labor, integration and other work of the whole group task. In view of this kind of situation, we launched the team task trust service to comprehensively...
For art advertising majors, we provide diversified design services. According to the customer's design theme, design concept, output matching graphic works. To meet the customer's disciplinary requirements. The service process is: the customer contacts the pre-sales customer service to communicat...