Cobotor is one of the BEWE partners, Mainly dedicated to badminton rackets and peripheral products, such as sneakers, racket bags, towels, wrist guards, Overgrip, etc.
After 3 years of research and development, this shoes uses multiple ergonomic technologies to fit most people’s foot shapes. It has a very strong sense of wrapping and provides enough support. High-quality TPU surface is very wear-resistant, Pure natural rubber bottom is honeycomb, very slip resistant. Carbon fiber plate support is added to the middle of the sole, And high elastic material is added to the back to reduce the burden on the joints caused by strenuous exercise. Multiple advantages make this shoe great for tennis, badminton, padel, sqush, pickleball and more. We also provide OEM service, if you need to customize the color, style, pattern you need, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Carbon Fiber support
Super wrapping
Polymer cushion
Honeycomb rubber Bottom
TPU surface
Ergonomic insole
Provide super support
Use high-quality 3K carbon fiber as
the support of the midsole, providing
super support for every run and jump
Well-designed version
Collect tens of thousands of related
sports enthusiasts’ foot shape data to fully wrap the feet
Thick cylindrical
Thick cylindrical polymer cushioning
material is added to the heel part
which is soft and full of elasticity
can greatly reduces the burden of
most non-slip structure
Hexagonal honeycomb shape design,
wear-resistant rubber outsole, durable
and non-slip
High quality TPU
Waterproof and wear-resistant TPU
Material. Clear printing, durable and
popular design
Breathable quick-drying
Ergonomically designed insole,
enhanced wrapping and cushioning,
and very breathable and sweat-absorbent
According to your actual needs, choose the most reasonable overall design and planning procedures