Product detail
Each vial contains 1.2 MEGA (≈0.9g) benzathine benzylpenicillin powder for injection.
Benzathine penicillin 1.2 MEGA: add 4 ml water for injection to the vial.
Benzathine benzylpenicillin is a long-acting benzylpenicillin salt with the same antimicrobiological action as benzylpenicillin. It gives bloodlevels for 2-4 weeks after IM injection, but much lower than benzylpenicillin sodium. It is therefore restricted to highly susceptible micro-organisms. Acute infections should be treated initially with benzylpenicillin sodium. Benzathine benzylpenicillin is an antibiotic which is effective in streptococcal, pneumococcal and treponemal infections. It is used in the treatment of infections which are highly sensitive to penicillin and which require longterm treatment: syphilis, pneumonia, leptospirosis, yaws and pinta. Prevention of rheumatic fever.
Administer by deep intramuscular injection.
Early syphilis: 2.4 MEGA, in a single dose, usually as 2 injections at separate sites
Late syphilis: 1-2 doses of 2.4 MEGA, at weekly intervals for 3-5 consecutive weeks
Congenital syphilis in infants up to 2 years: 50,000 IU/kg bodyweight in a single dose
Other infections:
Adults 1.2 or 2.4 MEGA once a week
Children < 12 years 0.6 MEGA daily or at intervals of 3 days or 1.2 MEGA at intervals of 2-4 weeks
Prevention of rheumatic fever:
Adults 1-2 doses of 1.2 MEGA, at intervals of 4 weeks
Children < 12 years 0.6MEGA at intervals of 14 days or 1.2 MEGA at intervals of 4 weeks
Pregnancy and breast feeding:
Penicillins are not known to be harmful when used during pregnancy. Benzathine penicillin is excreted in breast milk and could cause sensitization in the infant.
Contra-indications and warnings:
Do not use in patients with known penicillin allergy. Use only with care in patients with renal impairment.
Concomitant use of probenecid, indometacine and salicylates in high doses reduces excretion of penicillins.
Side effects:
Hypersensitivity includes skin reactions, edema in the throat, seldom anaplactic shock.
In patients with syphilis Jarish- Herxheimer reaction may occur at the start of the treatment due to release of endotoxins from the killed treponemes. Pain and inflammation at the injection side.
Symptoms: benzathine penicillin is not toxic, even in high doses. In allergic patients, anaplactic shock, haemolytic anaemia and allergic nephropat can be life-threatening.
Treatment: treatment of shock (administration of adrenaline, restoration of blood pressure).
Store the powder for injection below 25℃.
Use freshly prepared suspensions only.
3 years
1Vials+1 ampoule/box
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