Please tell us your inquiry with details and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Due to time difference, sometimes the response may be delay, please wait patiently. If you have an urgent need, please call to +86 18692024417
100% BPA free, odorless, durable, light-weight and extremely rugged.
Made of Polyethylene terephthalate, also called PET, is the name of a type of clear, strong, lightweight and 100% recyclable plastic. Unlike other types of plastic, PET is not single use. PET is 100% recyclable, versatile and is made to be remade. It has glass-like transparency and close to glass density.
Customer will find that the bottom of the bottle is very thick, because we choose high quality and high weight PET material to make it.
Transparent material has the ability to make any color. So it can be customized in any your Pantone color to show off the brand style.
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Our have different MOQ requirements based on different items due to the molds and production difference. The MOQ range usually from 5,000 to 20,000 pieces for a customized order. Also, we have some stock item that with LOW MOQ and even NO MOQ requirement.
We will quote the price according to the Mold item, capacity, decorations (color and printing) and order quantity. If you want a exactly price, please give us more details!
Of course! we support customers to ask samples before order. The sample ready in office or warehouse will be provided to you for free!
To exist, we must create classics and convey love and beauty with unlimited creativity! In 2021, Topfeel have undertaken nearly 100 sets of private molds. The development goal is “1 day to provide drawings, 3 days to produce the 3D protype”, so that customers can make decisions about new products and replace old products with high efficiency, and adapt to market changes. If you have any new ideas, we are glad to help you achieve it together!
Beautiful, recyclable, and degradable cosmetic packaging are our unremitting goals
GMP work shop
ISO 9001
1 day for 3D drawing
3 days for prototype
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Quality standard confirmation
Double quality inspections
3rd Party testing services
8D report
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One-stop cosmetic solution
Value-added offer
Professional and Efficiency
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Please tell us your inquiry with details and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Due to time difference, sometimes the response may be delay, please wait patiently. If you have an urgent need, please call to +86 18692024417
According to your actual needs, choose the most reasonable overall design and planning procedures